I have two suggestions, first the difficult one.
One can use a platform like Zapier to bring new data from one to another in 3 steps:
- Copy all rows to new table (via a FormulaMap logic in a button)
- Each time a new row is created, a zap is triggered
- you inject the data in the table you set in Zapier
The second and easier option is maybe to work via a cross doc logic. As such you use the second version of the mother doc and from there you set up the new file you fill out with the data using a button and a FormulaMap logic like this:
[Table 01].Filter(Checkbox=true).
email.FormulaMap(AddRow([Table 02],[Table 02].Email,CurrentValue))
I included in this formula a filter option with a checkbox to filiter out the ones you do not need, and this one is about the copy of an email, but this could be anything. And via a lookup as explained here, you have all the rest in a format that permits editing.
Cheers, Christiaan