Hello All,
I don’t know if some of you noticed during the block party but Angad showed an extremely useful formula that I would like to replicate - Link to replay - Starting at 26:24.
You can extract the content of a cell based on a specific key (AI in his case). I would like to apply the same to my status report where my use case would be:
- Every time I use a new item I put the date in this format dd.mm
- Today’s date is formatted the same way dd.mm
- Today’s note compare today’s date to the cell content and only extract the line that correspond to it.
Is it something that we can achieve? I did not manage to replicate the same behaviour.
Thank you for your help,
Hey @Johan_Bertin,
First you need to split the Notes into separate lines. Then filter out the lines that contain the text. But .Contains()
does not work with subtext search — you need to .Find(subtext) != -1
or use regular expression matching.
Your formula would probably be:
CurrentValue.Find("12.10") != -1
and optionally .Join(Character(10))
them back together into a single text value again.
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And just in case it helps - the following regex expression should match your date notation
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Hello Guys,
Thank you very much for your answer. I am not sure if it is that I didn’t get your explanation or if my request was not made properly.
But I would like to only get the content that is related to the identified date whereas the formula you provided me return a True
Scott gave you an alternative expression to put into .Filter()
, i.e. just a piece of the formula and not all of it.
In your latest screenshot, however, I see that you may have multiple lines linked to a date, e.g. for 25.05 you’d want all the notes (including the bullet list) to be in Today’s notes and not just the first line. Then .Split(Character(10))
won’t work — you’d need to split by the date boundaries and also preserve formatting as you go.
I can do this, but a much easier approach overall would just be to track each date’s notes as a separate row. One row = one date, and the table would have three columns: one with a task, the second one with a date, and the last one with formatted notes for that task and that date.
You could also wait until the features announced at the block party are live and then utilize the formula used in your video.
Utilizing the lineBreak() within Split() would be very helpful, and then filtering out the data for rows that start with certain characters.
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