I have the gmail pack and have synced my emails and showed the “From email” column so I can display the email address. In the same document I also have a separate Contacts Table with an email column and other information for each contact.
I would like to filter the synced emails “using” the emails in my Contacts Table. This way I only see emails from contacts and filter the rest.
I’m sure there is a simple formula and I can’t imagine I’m the only one who wants to do this. So I wanted to ask here. The Gmail pack adds a filter to the “From email” as it’s a related column from the pack. Surly there is a way of globally filtering the emails from a column or list. I have added a control (lookup) where I can select the contacts I want, but am not getting this to filter correctly. What could I be missing?
I had a similar issue. I wanted to link to the Gmail table in my contacts list so that when I went into a contact I could see emails only related to their email address.
The main issue stems from the the fact that the From column related to the Gmail pack will not work as you expect. It contains more than just the email address. There is not a column that returns just the email that you can then work with.
If you run “ToText” on the From column it returns what is contained behind the front facing text.
I didn’t even think of that having no experience with JSON myself. I did have a lot of fun figuring out the Regex though
For anyone looking in future, I implemented Christiaan’s suggestion but you have to reference the pack directly and not the From column in the pack table, even if it is the same thing.