Hi! I’m struggling with this question for a long time, hope someone can help me.
Is there any way to show only relevant empty groups in a table?
Let’s say I’m building a task tracker with simple hierarchy Projects → Sub Projects → Tasks and I have a separate tables for Projects, Sub Projects and Tasks.
In the end I want to show all Tasks grouped by Project and Sub Projects.
I can force Coda to show all Projects, even empty ones that don’t have any Tasks associated with them by selecting “show empty groups” in group options for column Projects (Project 4 is shown in my example even it doesn’t have any Tasks).
The problem is I can’t force coda to show relevant empty groups for Sub Project grouping.
In my example, there is a Sub Project 1 for Project 2 that doesn’t have any rows in table Tasks associated with it, so it’s not shown.
Well, I can ask Coda to show empty groups for Sub Projects column grouping, but then Coda goes crazy and shows all Sub Projects from any Project for all Project groups (for example, Sub Project 1 for Project 2 is shown for Project 1 etc). Like this:
It is something in Coda that drives me crazy for a very very long time.
Default behavior of “show empty groups” option doesn’t make any sense to me when you group by more than one column. Why on earth anyone would want to show groups that just can’t exist? (Like showing all rows from Sub Projects table for all Projects when any Sub Project can belong to only one Project).
In my mind, grouping by more than one column is just broken when not all rows has data in columns by which rows are grouped.
In my ideal system Tasks table will:
- Show all Projects from Projects table even if there are no Tasks currently associated with some Projects
- Show all available Sub Projects groups for every Project even if there are no Tasks currently associated with some Sub Projects, but don’t show groups that don’t exist in Sub Projects table (like Sub Project 1 for Project 2 in Project 1 group).
- Have a way to add new Sub Projects in Tasks table for Project groups (now when I click + under the Sub Project in Tasks table I can add a group that is just some virtual group, it doesn’t get saved in Sub Projects table; but + in Projects group in Tasks table does add a new Project row in Project table)
It’s possible I just can’t figure out the correct way to do it.
If it’s the case, please please please someone help me
A version of this question was asked in this forum for years.
In December 2022 @BenLee said Coda is working to make it possible.
Any updates on this?
P.S. Currently I also experience a bug: when I open group options I can’t toggle “show empty groups” setting, I need to change sort first, otherwise group options just close without toggling “show empty groups” setting.
Here is a link for this document in case someone needs it: