How can I get "show empty groups" to respect filtering?

I want to group a table and show empty groups; however, when I do this, the table displays an empty group for every group that exists and disregards the filtering I have applied to the table. Is there another way to do this so that I can display groups of rows while still filtering? TIA :pray:

Hey @Shaina_Nacion1! I think it might be helpful to see the setup you’re working with. Any chance you can share the doc here?

Hi @Jasmine_B . Here is a link to the doc as well as a demo video that explains what I’m trying to accomplish.

Thanks! Super helpful. Unfortunately, this is not something we support right now, sorry! I’ve gone ahead and logged your vote for this in our feature request tracker though, so you’ll be notified if this gets built out :smiley:

@Jasmine_B Okay, thank you! Does Coda have a public roadmap, where we can view what features are in progress and upcoming?

We do not, however you can keep an eye on feature launches in the “news from Coda” section of the community here: News from Coda - Coda Maker Community

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