Getting Page Order

We use Coda for other tasks so I thought I would try to use it for hosting our SOGs. All SOGs are in their own Doc and this doc is only SOGs. They are organized like below, with Categories being subpages of the doc and Sections being subpages of the Category.

Cover Page

I want to utilize the drag and drop features in Coda but be able to know where I am at. Is there a way to “for each page in a doc (based on order)”, change information (aka a variable) on the page. If I am looping through the pages I could say this is my first category, therefor enter 1 for the category, the sub pages would then be 1.1, 1.2… At the next category I could insert a 2, then 2.1, 2.2… for sections.

The end result is so users can see that (regardless of where I drag’n’dropped’ the page), all personnel in information is in Category #, and all Vehicle information is in Category #.

I wish I had a sample doc to show but I can’t get that far. Here is an example of a finished product. If I drag and drop the header should change to meet where they are in the Coda doc.

If this isn’t possible in Coda I can stick with Word but I would like to be able to manage each Category individually which is tough in Word.

Hi Master,

I have built a quick example of one way in which this can be implemented, I have also added slight version management and the ability for people to acknowledge that they have read the doc. (You can then use Coda to ensure that all people have read all the sections, and easily refer them to new/ Changed sections.)

Thank you for the thoughtful and thorough response. I have copied your example to my doc and will start working with it.

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