Hi Coda Team & Community. Can someone please explain how Global Document People works? Some people are shown in people selection even if the document is not shared to them. May I ask how did that happen? Also, if that is possible how can I include more people in my organization in that selection even without sharing certain document to them? And how can I remove people from Global Document People, because yes you can certainly remove them from the selection but when you group them, those that you remove from the selection will still pop as a group. Thanks!
The people that are made available automatically follow the rules listed in this help doc…
Thanks! But can you add people from your workspace even without sharing the doc to them?
Right now, they will need to be in the doc or the folder like the help article mentions. You can’t load in people that things are not shared with in any way.
If the use-case for your doc involves many people that the doc will not be shared with, you can create your own people table and refer to it instead.
That makes sense. But currently, when I have a newly created docs, and created a people format some people in my workspace are there even if I did not share the doc to them.
You likely have a doc in a workspace and in a folder outside of your “My Docs” folder…
MyDoc Folder
The MyDoc folder is the special folder that you get when you are added to a workspace. This is a private doclist for that others in the workspace cannot see. If you explicitly share a doc from the MyDoc folder then that person will now appear in the dropdown list.Folder Membership
If the doc is in any other workspace folder then the people list comes from the members that have joined the folder. You will also see people that have been explicitly added to the doc as guests through the sharing dialog.Workspace Membership
When adding a doc to the workspace there is a “show more” option in the drop down. This will enable you to browse through all the workspace members and select a person that hasn’t joined the folder yet or been shared the doc.