I’m utilizing the gmail pack to auto send an email notification to individuals that submitted information in a coda form. This email is just a confirmation of receipt and includes some of the elements submitted by the end user. Not all of these users will have direct access to the coda doc itself aside from the form. As a result, I’m trying to strip out any hyperlinks auto added by coda to the field references in the body of the email so individuals don’t click and request doc access.
I’m not finding a clear means to do such. Any guidance?
Here’s an example of the resulting email. I’ve attempted the build of this email with a automation via:
- the send email option and concatenating necessary fields directly in the automation
- creating an email template table and referring to the fields via the format route for the email body content with the send email step
Both routes result in the same outcome. See the example where certain values are hyperlinks that I want to just display as simple text without the hyperlink.
Thanks in advance for any help!