I am trying to do a platform analysis for our company. I’d like to use Coda for this analysis. I would have one primary table where each row is dedicated to attributes about the different technologies I’m comparing. Then I’d like to have additional tables that are essentially mapping to each of the columns of the master table. e.g. Platform table with a row for each platform. Each column focuses on different aspects of each platform. The columns would be laid out like “Platform, Criteria A, Criteria B, Criteria C”
Then there would be tables for Criteria A, Criteria B, and Criteria C. I’d then like to be able to have the rows on the master table be reflected on each of the Criteria Tables. So on the master table the rows would be “Platform 1, Platform 2, Platform 3”.
On each Criteria table you would see the same list of Platforms as on the master table but each column would be a ranking of how each platform scores across different rubrics for each of the Criterium. At the end of the analysis all the scores for Platform 1 on the Criteria A would be added up and reflected in the Criteria A column on the master table. At the end it would be clear which platform is ideal based on all the scoring.
How do I get all the Criteria tables to update with rows as they are added to the Platform table?
I can think of several ways to approach this with Coda, and I picked one to explain that should hopefully be of use to you.
First, I created the Platform table:
The next table I created was view of the Platform Table. To do this, I hit the (+) button at the top, and selected “Platform” under Table/INSERT VIEW OF:
This step created a table that looked like this:
I renamed this new “view” table to “Criteria A”, and hid the three Criteria columns (to hide columns: https://help.coda.io/organizing-your-doc/layout-options/showing-or-hiding-columns). I then added four new columns to this “view” table; three for rubrics for scoring, and a total column. The result looked like this (ignore the 0’s for now):
I put in made-up data in each row as an example. In the RubricATotal Column, I input a SUM formula:
Going back to the Platform Table, I just put this formula into the Criteria A column:
The benefit to this setup is that as you add more platforms, they will automatically be added to the Criteria A table, and any additional Criteria tables you setup following this pattern.
Since everything is really one big table - we are just viewing the data in a (hopefully) more manageable fashion - you could skip the last step by just making the RubricATotal column the Criteria A column (i.e. all the columns in the Criteria A table can be made visible on the Platform table).
Ok. So the solution is that there is just an underlying master table that just has a ton of columns in it. Unless I’m mistaken, after I’ve set all this up I would go back to the initial table and if I look at the hidden columns I would see ALL of the columns represented across all of the criteria tables.
Correct. Can do other approaches if that is an issue.
Is this topic hidden? I noticed it doesn’t show up in the forums anymore.
No idea. If it is, it’s not something I did.
Ah, because it is filed under Miscellaneous. Looks like posts in here do not show up under the “Latest” feed.
You could make your master table with platform names (as the main column, with the flag) and criterias, then make tables for each criterias with the first column being a lookup format from the master table.
You add as any columns as you’d like in those tables with a result column being the one that you would take value from.
Then in the master table, each criteria columns should have a formula like =[Criteria Table].Lookup(result column, this row=platform.thisrow)
I’m not in front of my computer so I can’t test it.