Having Trouble Recreating an Equation

Hello Everyone,

First time posting in the community. I have been googling and looking around and could not find a solution to my problem. So I present it to you all, lol

This equation I am using is for a game called Astro Empires and I thought I would give myself the challenge of recreating the equation in coda so I could manage certain things better in the game.

This is the whole process

Fleet Size = 6170
Economy = 224

Free supported fleet:
Economy^1.6+(Economy/100)^3.2 = 5773

Fleet Maintenance:
(Fleet above limit/125)^0.7 = 2
Limited to 30% of Player's Economy

And this is what I did for the first equation

Power(1.6, Economy) + Power(3.2, Economy/100)

And the result was this


Not what I was looking for. The answer should be 5773, but, I am clearly misunderstanding something or am just doing it wrong.

The problem I am having is doing this part ^ in the equation. Cause the Exponent Function does not allow me to use the 1.6 value and I am not sure if the Power Function is working like I am wanting it to either.

So, any help would be nice!

Ryan Warren

Hi @Ryan_Warren and welcome!

The first argument in the Power formula is the number and the 2nd argument is the exponent. So all you have to do is switch the arguments around

Power(Economy, 1.6) + Power(Economy/100, 3.2)

That should do it.

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Ok, thanks Ryan, I will have to try that when I get home. I had a feeling I was reading that function wrong.

Thanks Man, that worked great! Feeling stupid for not understanding, but, thank you, lol

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