Help using filter and getting two results

Morning all

I’m using filter in a formula and I would like to get 2 results rather than just one.

For example:

[Board Materials].Filter(thisRow.Service=“Manufacture” AND thisRow.[Job Type].Contains(Range) AND thisRow.[Material Brand].Contains(Brand)).[Width (mm)] ,

That will give me the result of the ‘Width (mm)’ column.

I would like to get the results from ‘Length (mm)’ and Width (mm) columns.

I tried using using something like this:

[Board Materials].Filter(thisRow.Service="Manufacture" AND thisRow.[Job Type].Contains(Range) AND thisRow.[Material Brand].Contains(Brand)).Concatenate("mm x ", [Board Materials].Filter(thisRow.Service="Manufacture" AND thisRow.[Job Type].Contains(Range) AND thisRow.[Material Brand].Contains(Brand)).[Length (mm)], "mm"),

Although that works, it doesn’t work if the column has values separated with a comma.

Hi @Juanmata,

In this case I would create one column with the formula to extract the “width” and another column to extract the “lenght” and in one column with concatenate to combine the values in the format you wish.

Maybe not the most elegant solution, but the result will be there.
Does this make sense :grinning:


That does make sense but I was trying to stay clear of having extra columns for silly things like that,

Adding logic in hidden columns is a core implementation mechanism in Coda - they’re almost like real-time function calls that operate on each row whenever something changes. They’re incredibly powerful.

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