I have a table containing meetings (rows) and within each row a canvas containing the meeting minutes (with a template based on the meeting type).
Now, within this canvas, I have another table with tasks.
During my meeting I discuss the tasks and modify them (e.g. put them on status ‘Completed’).
In the “Updates” part of my meeting minutes (the canvas), I want to show the tasks table filtered on this condition:
Every task modified after the creation date of the meeting.
You’ve got a task table, which is related to MyMeeting table using lookups. In Your meeting table, you should have a “Start Date and Time of meeting” column. Please also create in Tasks table the column “Modified On”.
Using lookups reference in Mymeeting, you’ll get every tasks linked to your meeting, but what you want are just the one modified after the beginning of your meeting, then create a new column “tasks modified after meeting start” and create this formula that will compare Modified On to Start Meeting, excluding “Do Stuff 2” in my example: