I enjoy white space, but . . .

Hi community,

A probably rhetorical question, since this seems to just be a style decision by Coda, but I currently have a page that I’ve set up with tables organized in separate columns as so:


The tables are pretty much as I’d like them, but:

  1. The 2nd column won’t extend any further along the page, leaving a tonne of wasted white space on the right side.

  2. If I add any more columns to the 2nd table, they won’t show because of #1.

  3. The slider to slide across the table view is wayyyyy down the screen at the bottom of the table. So I have to scroll down to the bottom, slide across, then scroll back up to see what I wanted in the table.

Is this really how tables work when they’re organized in columns? If so, I’ll just forgo my column view - but I’d prefer to keep it if I can!



Re @Matthew_Shane
Those are subjects coda is working on (especially the improvement to full width for column > beta test is in progress). This is a well known and several time discussed subjet. Lets be patient :wink:


Heh, okay - thanks again Quentin.

Perhaps Coda is listening… :wink:

:wave: Hi! I’m Teresa a PM at Coda.

Thanks for sharing this feedback - the good news is we are starting beta for a new full width page option later this week. (details here!).

  • If you already have wide column groups, you will automatically get the new full width page options.
  • If you are not, and would like to receive the full width page option beta feature, please sign up here.

Hi @Teresa_de_Figueiredo – will the wide column groups also help provide a bigger view for the Detail Layout?

So excited for this feature!

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Hi @Astha_Parmar , thanks for asking! Yes if the page is set to full width you will see the detail view also extend to be the full width of the page :blush: hope that helps your use case!


Oh man, I am so very excited about this. Thank you team coda!!

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One more question…I signed up for the pilot but can’t see any width based options. Maybe I missed the window on this?

Apologies for the delay. The full width page option is now live for anyone who signed up for beta! Please share feedback here :blush:

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So friggin excited about this!! Thanks so much for giving the capabilities to create all kinds of dashboard content. I’ve been wanting to create a dynamic planner that allows me to see things today, this week, this month, this year at a glance (see pic).

I love paper planners and templates for Goodnotes, etc. but I struggled to keep up with a STATIC planner, especially as life is very fluid. I feel like Coda has (and will have) the tools to build out a customizable project management doc (comparable to software on the market) for business and life. I also see the possibility of creating a dynamic/AI scheduler that will prioritize and optimize scheduling of tasks on a calendar - similar to Motion but with more customization.

So much potential…

Thank you guys!

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This is amazing!!! We have a bunch of detail views that are overnight incredibly usable to our clients. Thank you, thank you!

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