Hi all! I’m trying to come up with an easy way for a non-profit client to pull a list of donors from a particular date range (i.e., their fiscal year, which almost never follows the calendar year). Here’s the rundown:
- I have two tables: 1) Donors and 2) Donations.
- I have a reference column in the donor table called “Donations” which pulls in each person’s donations.
- I want to see only people who’ve given donations between two specific dates.
- I want to use Interactive Date Pickers to do this so my client can change the filters dates without having to go into the filter panel.
I know I can easily run a filter on the “donations” table but the purpose of this is to pull a clean list of names for their marketing materials. Because many people give donations multiple times a year, pulling the list from the “donations” table does not produce a clean list. They’d have to go through a second step of removing duplicates from their list when Suzie or Joe shows up 10 times.
Seems simple but I can’t figure out how to do it. Here’s my sample doc, which is editable. If you know the trick, please help!