Is it possible to target an email address in a row while automating emails with gmail?

Greeting folks!

I am trying to automate follow up emails when I complete a request in my Tracker.

My intended workflow is to send an email after I check a checkbox, then target the email data within that row as the recipient of my email automation.

My current failed automation looks like this


  1. row changed
  2. select my table
  3. select column (follow up - this is a checkbox)


  1. step one result. completed = true


  1. send gmail
  2. my account
  3. “this is where I am having problem” Instead of statically typing an email, I want to dynamically target the email of the relevant row.
    my attempt…

Thanks for your Help!!!

Hi @Bernard_Ade - Nice to have you here!

Instead of
Try - [Step 1 Result].Email

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@mallika Thanks for the tip, will check back in when I get back to my station.

Much thanks @mallika works like a charm! Cheers!

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I am trying to do the same. But messing it all up.
Instead of sending emails straight away I want to build an email list on the basis of their status change in the second table.
Any help appreciated