Is there a way to access a page through a formula?


I’ve been thinking about this question for a while but now that there’s a use case with it, I thought I should ask.

I have a table with page names in column A. Those page names are names of actual pages in the current document. I want to be able to create a column B that automatically creates a URL from column A. When clicked, that URL will redirect the user to the page in question.

I see that each page has a unique ID but if I have to hardcode an ID for each of the names, I might as well just input the page URL instead of having a formula column. I haven’t seen a way to make this happen, does anyone have a thought on how to do this?

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try the ObjectLink() function on the page reference.
i believe it should return the url.
but i am ooo atm so cant check that


I was looking at that as well and that gets the page title that an object is currently on. IIRC, that didn’t return a page URL. I can check again though to see. What was your thinking on making this work with my problem, just wondering?


If you want to jump to that page via a button

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Gentleman and a scholar, thank you! I didn’t realize you could conjugate object link with thisdocument. Heck, I didn’t even know thisdocument existed :stuck_out_tongue:

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