Generate a link to a page from within a table

The use case

I use Coda to manage the development of an application.
I have sets of reference data that became spreadsheet hell so I decided to centralise it into Coda
The structure is:
Reference Objects Page which contains a table with
Index Table Name FileName
100 ContactTypes 100-CONTACTTYPES.CSV

Where Index is a number to make sure that the data loads in the correct order, Table Name is the table that the data should be loaded into and file name is the file that the target system should be looking for to load the data.

I then have individual pages for each of the lines in the Reference Object page. These pages are the index number and the name of the table as the page name e.g.

So far so good.

I want to now add a column to the Reference Objects table to link directly to the relevant page.

I can use thisDocument.URL() to get the name of the document, but I have been unable to dynamically build the rest of the URL i.e. the thisRow.Index+’-’+thisRow.TableName+’/’ in order to complete the full URL.

I can manually create the url which works in the browser URL but that does not work within the table.

Having read some other posts they sort of point towards using SectionIDs but I have not been able to find documentation on how to do that.

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