Launched: Collapsible Headers, Tables & Views

Hi @Breno_Nunes,

Not with a button, but tables do work with folding just like any other header!

Is it possible to force collapsed or extended presentation for third parties?

Headers that are set to use folding will be collapsed when the document is opened. Then afterwards, opening and closing them are on a per-user basis.

Thanks, Ben

That’s nice for more or less frequent users. But it is also a problem for some of the first-time users if they don’t identify that they can expand some content.

I was thinking in collapsible content in published Codas, BTW.

For us, collapsing is just great

From our testing, the people got the hang of the arrow indicators really quick. We didn’t really find people missing them. Please do send feedback if you notice any patterns though.


I second @Juan_Luis_Chulilla concern. Only today people that use Coda for several months now they missed to see some content. I like the elegancy of the arrow and the overall experience (although I would love a default expanded option vs. always collapsed), but I had this feedback today.

While this is great and has improved my sections in many ways, I would like to use this feature also in a text field in a table.



I made hover display collapse icon for looks clean .

So many icon make a massive.

This works AMAZINGLY! I’ve looked for this feature on other apps, including Notion, but Coda is the only one that not only has this but it works and looks perfect. This is such an important feature for me and is one of the main reasons I’m sticking with Coda :slight_smile: