As more and more talented makers have published their docs to the Doc Gallery, more and more readers have come to learn from their thought leadership, templates, frameworks and resources. Starting today, we’re sharing some of the love with Makers who publish through the gallery in the form of Coda Credit. It works like this:
- When you publish (or when you adjust the settings of existing published docs), toggling the Discoverability setting to on will unlock an option to Earn credits upon sign up
- As logged-out readers peruse the Doc Gallery and read docs, at some point they’ll be prompted to sign-in to continue reading content from the gallery
- If the reader is an existing Coda user, signing in will make it easier to Copy docs (if enabled) and interact with docs in Play or Edit mode
- If the reader signs up and becomes a new paying Coda user, they will get $10 Coda credit and the author of the doc they were reading when prompted to sign in will also get $10 in Coda creditーmuch like with our referral program, but without the need to share a referral link directly
Credit can only be earned from docs that are published with the “Discoverable to anyone” and “Earn credits upon sign up” settings toggled on.
Note that there’s no way to force the sign in dialog to appear on your docーit is triggered based on a reader’s individual doc-viewing habits. That said, if you have enabled the “Copy Doc” button on your published doc and someone clicks it, they’ll also be prompted to sign in or sign up. If clicking “Copy Doc” from your published doc leads someone to become a new, paying Coda user, you will both get $10 in Coda credit. The more often your doc is viewed and copied, the greater the opportunity to earn credit from it, so continue sharing and your promoting your awesome published docs!
This is just one step in our work to help Publisher’s meaningfully connect with opportunities via the docs they make. Thanks for joining us on this journey.