Featured docs made it easy for makers to discover and get started with your Pack. Today, we’re giving makers even more to explore by adding up to five featured docs to your Pack and elevating one doc to the center of your listing page. Think of this as the doc that showcases why makers should use your Pack and how they can set it up in their doc.
Plus, we’ve added your featured docs to the insert panel, so makers can quickly drag and drop them into any doc. This is perfect for simple templates that help makers get started quickly.

Ready to update your Pack? Here’s how to assign featured docs.
- Navigate to your listing in Pack Studio.
- Paste the featured doc links in the fields under featured docs. To add another doc, simply click +add another doc.
- Decide which doc to elevate on your listing page by clicking the pin icon to the right of the field. The doc will then be front-and-center on your listing page. See how we implemented this with the Salesforce Pack.
For docs that makers will reference as instructions or guides, consider turning off the ability to copy those docs. This will block the featured doc from appearing in the insert panel, preventing makers from accidentally drag and dropping templates that might feel bulky into their doc.
When you’re done, let your makers know what they can look forward to by posting an update in the community, social, and wherever else you communicate with them!
In case you missed it, the updates to featured docs launched earlier this week. If you haven’t made these changes yet, be sure to assign featured docs under listing in Pack Studio. It only takes a few minutes and tells prospective makers what your Pack can do and how they can get set up.
Let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help.
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I really appreciate this feature, but have one minor gripe:
As mentioned, for packs to feature a doc referenced as instructions or guide, imposes turning off the ability to copy those docs. In some regards this is a regression, as it forces makers to disable copying on these instruction docs, which prevents pack users from copying the docs for their own purposes, e.g. to inspect formula or table contents and configs to get a sense of how things work in the pack. Since there is no way to publish a doc in play mode while also enabling viewers to look into the formula or table settings, this makes featured docs much less useful to demo pack functionality unless they are offered as a template.
This is based on feedback I received from a user of one of my packs who was hindered by the inability to copy the featured doc.
My suggestion would be to remove the second functionality of the sharing setting to make the doc copy-able that also enables surfacing the doc as a pack template, and instead add a setting when editing in the pack listing to set whether each of the linked featured docs should or should not be a template.