To group or not to group? With today’s update, we hope that’s no longer a question!
Grouping your table data is a powerful way to bring pivot table-like functionality and clarity to your data.
Previously, when you grouped information on a table in Coda, scrolling meant the header row eventually scrolled off the page (unlike ungrouped tables, where the header remains persistent as you scroll through the entire table).
We’ve had a lot of requests to fix this discrepancy, and we’re glad to have uncovered and resolved the underlying technical issues that caused it. Table headers now stay with you while you scroll for all tables ー grouped and ungrouped:
This also works for more complex cases such as top-grouped tables and tables with multiple levels of grouping:
Please, add “start from monday” option. I’m really confused all the time in choosing dates in datepicker. And im not alone, i found many posts in community about this issue.
It would be nice if the ability to pin the column headers of a table was also available for tables created on a Card Canvas. The lack of this feature for working with tables within a Canvas is currently a show stopper for me.
That the table headers are persisting is a great feature, especially when dealing with bigger tables.
Since we have already for a quite long time an option to search in the table, it would be great if it could be made persistent, so I can start searching, even when working at the bottom of the table., without scrolling back to the top.
Has been happening a lot for me with large tables. eg Cant see the Filter/Options/Search features of the table when I am multiple scrolls down (eg 3000 rows).
Am currently working around it by having a temp copy of the page, that I keep at the top - a but clumsy.