We’ve added a new Unsplash Pack in the free tier. It’s great for generating images from keywords. Check out the template that comes with it to see how easy it is to use. Would love to see how you use this in your docs so please let us know what you think.
Hello and thanks ,
I played a bit and it seems very fun and useful!
My notes:
- Could you provide some other information to grab, like image size and ID.
- I know you can extrapolate the ID from the url, but still would be great a proper variable to reduce formula length. I can see the photo ID useful to avoid possible duplicates.
- Cards view doesn’t seem to display the pictures.
Slightly related:
I was inspired by point 3) to create a grid for the pics, still using the table view.
This would be a more compact and efficient display than using a Cards view, if you want to show only the images.
I’d like it to have a custom amount of rows and columns, driven by 2 sliders.
Issue: I can’t add, del or hide columns with a button action. That’s a bit of a show stopper for this kind of setup.
Hey Andr,
Thanks for the feedback, I’ll see if there is more metadata we can add in.
Card view should work but you’ll need to use a formula to show just the image (as the formula returns an “object” made up of the image and its metadata) something like =UnsplashImageColumn.Image
Can you say more about what what drive the rows and columns number? As in you just want a growing/shrinking grid of images e.g. 3 across and 2 down. That you can change with a slider?
Hello Glenn,
my goal is to display in a compact format and in the most space efficient way a lot of images from a catalogue (being it an Unsplash list like your example or another catalogue of images with their metadata and all the tags).
Yes exactly as you said. I’m trying to build dynamic grid gallery that can grow and shrink based on the values from the sliders. The user can decide how many rows and columns.
In each cell it is displayed a different image, grabbed with a formula from a traditional image catalogue table with 1 photo per row and other columns for tags and other metadatas.
Two issues:
- I don’t know how to add new columns with the slider. Can’t find any addColumn() action function.
- Regarding the dynamic loading of images, I don’t know how to retrieve the column number.
This is the formula I’m using on each column:
> [Images Bucket].Files.ListCombine().Nth(thisRow.[Ordered ID] + (thisTable.RowID.Count() * 1))
That “1” is for column 1, and should change to 2 for column 2, etc etc.
An alternative
If it’s not technically possible, I could instead just use a lookup to load all the images into a single big cell extended for whole width of the page. This is very efficient because the images are automatically arranged next to the others and they would take part to the same lightbox gallery when you open any of them.
One thing I really need to figure out is how to see the metadata of an image.
An ideal behavior would be a combination of these 2 features:
- Mouse over an image should trigger a mini window pop up with the columns from the relative entry in the image catalogue. Exactly like the behavior of the mouse over any entry of the lookup cell, which would be hidden in the final version. Then I can expand the mini window into a detail view of the entry.
- Click an image in the cell to open the lightbox gallery. Exactly like it already happens.
Maybe it’s already possible to have 1) combined with 2) but I’m not able to do it.
This setup has few important benefits over the cards view:
- less wasted space, so more images to display
- more immediate fruition of the images, especially thanks to the lightbox gallery and its convenient filmstrip menu at the bottom
- can change the thumbnail size. Super big plus.
- You’d get for free a loupe tool if behavior 1) can be implemented. By setting the image format size for the source catalogue to “Extra Large” and to “small” for the table you use to display, the pop up window from the small image would show the relative entry inheriting the extra large thumbnail.
Oh, yes it was a matter of extracting the image from the object. Thanks for pointing it out.
However there seems to be some issue in the display of images on the cards.
I’ve played a bit with the Unsplash Picker and made a super simple “Bucket” version.
It loads the search results in a single cell and let you select which one you want to use.
A couple of issues:
- It’s a bit slow . Is it because of the big size of Unsplash Images? Any chance to retrieve to retrieve a low resolution version from Unsplash?
- The selected column doesn’t wrap properly resulting in a very tall column.
I was inspired by @Andr’s response to suggest that you provide a list of other useful formulas that can be applied to the Unsplash pack.
- How to apply multiple keywords to default formula,
- View and select from multiple (or even all) image search results
- Resize image within column (per @Andr)
Truth-be-told, this is a nice-to-have for all packs. One way to achieve this is by adding a dedicated resource page for each pack, in which users can learn more about use cases/best practices, submit reviews, and see *Featured Formulas* (based off top-rated formulas submitted by Coda staff and community members), etc. Just a thought...