Launched: Ready, set, bookmark! All from your Chrome Extension

Fantastic. thanks for consistent dev work.

I noticed in your demo gif you show a card next to the URL and site title, i don’t get that in my table, how can i get the card column too?

Dear @Mark_Juno, welcome to the community :building_construction:

It’s called a “pack” in this case a Wikipedia one.
On the canvas just type: /wi and you will get the option to install the Wikipedia pack.

Enjoy the party :partying_face:

I think you are looking for a column formula: use embed(URL) where URL is the column holding the hyperlink . This gives you site preview (does not work for all sites - sometimes you need embed(URL,0,0,force: true()), which has some other implications, but you’ll find out as you go.

Hi, Tomas
just use HyperlinkCard() formula.



Thanks! Had no idea this existed :slight_smile:

Thank you. I’m swooning :heart_eyes:

Are there any suggested docs for collecting links? If not, I will build one, but I thought I’d ask first, because you all have done a phenomenal job building the world’s best doc gallery.


Hi Liza - A few folks on the team made different example docs for link collecting, but more examples are always great for the community!


Why is there no option to add notes?

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That’s all great but such things as tags and summary are missing. If you need them you can use Citable chrome extension to save the bookmarks into a google sheet and use Integromat to copy the data to Coda table

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@Michael_Igor_Popov But that’s just…painful :sweat:

As nice as the extension is, it’s not as powerful as this:

Using that extension I can modify the properties/fields directly in the popup rather than create more work for myself later and then switch back and forth between Coda and the site to get data I missed. I can also use my own Notion template within it which is a great time saver.

Honestly, it’s one of the few things keeping me from jumping to Coda. I hope Coda team can build similar functionality into their extension soon.


We’d find it very helpful if there was an open text field to copy/paste a quote from the document you’re looking at.Also would like to be able to customize the fields to populate into our table.

I think the same. Totally agree. Please give priority to this improvement. thanks. :pray:

With the Chrome extension you get a nice “Bookmark title”, see screenshot:
Screenshot 2023-03-23 192621

But I don’t want to use the Chrome extension, because I don’t get enough flexibility (not able to use tags etc.).

Is it possible to generate this nice “Bookmark title” inside a Coda doc with a formula or a pack?

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