Launched: Sync pages and content sharing updates

Just checking back to see if there is an update on Step 3 - controlling sync page access!


I am waiting for the implementation of step 3 urgently as well.

Any time estimate for the view-only experience of step 3?


@Ayuba_Audu I was just wondering that Spring is about new beginnings, so maybe you are timing the launch of Step 3 in a couple of weeks? :slight_smile:


Hi may I know around when will step three being implemented?

I happen to really need it as we have multiple docs for different people within our team where we want them to have limited access to part of the master Doc. We’ve been using cross-doc tables, but they’re getting out of hand due to their inherent issues with unreliable data update.
While we also can’t create new docs for every team that filled with sync pages, as we want to isolate the access to other parts of the master doc.
So I really hope step three can be released soon…


Hi Sathya,

In a recent announcement Coda said that release will happen in a few weeks.
I hope that there are no unexpected problems, but the release should be soon. Coda does not usually make announcements for far into the future.



Is that announcement is equal to the full Step 3 (Sync page access control) in the road map what @Ayuba_Audu draw in the past?

Yes, it is:

(At the three minute mark in the video.)

I have another thing I was meaning to ask:
After step three or four, will it eventually be possible to have data within synced page from another Doc being referenceable within the current Doc?

I mean if we see these ‘linked’ or ‘synced’ Docs or pages as different data silos, will it be possible for data (table/row/value) from one Doc being referenced by the other Doc?

I don’t know how complicated things behind the scenes, but I just thought that would incredibly awesome if that’s possible, as it will open the data flow seamlessly.

Hi Sathya,

My understanding is:
With sync the data in the destination doc would flow back* to the source doc.

In the source doc that data can be referenced by newly created tables. However, that is not the case in the destination doc. You would have to create any new tables in the source doc, and then put them in a sync page to share with the destination doc .

  • It looked to me in the announcement video that it would be possible to keep the rows entered in the destination doc in the destination doc and not syncing the data back to the source doc, ensuring privacy for the destination doc user


Oh. Yeah I also suspected it to be the case…
I was hoping for the table in destination doc can reference back and forth with the source doc…
Because the current sync page from the source doc can only be manipulated/edited from within destination doc, but the data can not be referenced. Unlike cross-doc table.
Maybe that’s the difference between the two, because cross-doc table actually resides in the destination doc. While table in the sync page actually resides in the source doc. Just happen to be viewed and editable from destination doc.

Regarding the need for privacy for the destination doc user, if this is the case, then it would suggest that the best practice to use sync page is that whoever has access to the destination doc, should be the one with higher level of authority. Not the other way around.


:wave:t5: folks!

As promised, we’re energized to share Sync page access control (step 3 of 4) is now available to everyone!

Many thanks for being with us on this journey as we continue to make the roadmap we shared a reality.

Read more and learn about what’s next here, cheers!