Markdown in Coda! Send your feedback

Hi all,
Many of you have requested support for markdown syntax. I’m happy to let you know we’re adding markdown shortcuts while editing.

We have a couple more in progress, but would love to get your feedback on what’s in so far.

Try out common markdown shortcuts for bold, italic, headers, and code style. We’ve also added a few new shortcuts with Coda flair:

  • Type |Column 1| to create a standard table starting with column names
  • Type any text followed by tab to start a minimalist table with the text in the first cell
  • Type [] to create a checklist

We’d love your feedback on all of these, especially any specific cases where the behavior differs from what you expect.



Maybe you could some kind of cheat sheet with keyboard shortcuts and markdown syntax somewhere in the formatting menue?
I think having to check a different site for documentation is sub-optimal at the moment.

there is one: within a doc, press crtl + /

(on a german windows: strg+shift+7)

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Ps: Concerning feedback to this feature: makes working so much faster and less troublesome! Thanks for implementing it!

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How do I get to see the cheat sheet on OSX?

Hi @Tomas_Jansson - you can hit command+/ , or click the help icon in the lower-right and choose Keyboard shortcuts. If command+/ isn’t working for you, please let us know. Thanks!

On Norwegian layout on OSX it doesn’t work. To reach “/” or “?” I need to press “Shift+ 7” or “Shift+ +”. Maybe that is the problem since it makes the shortcut a three keys shortcut instead of two?