VSCode alike keyboard shortcuts

There are a couple of use-cases that I think will be really handy for keyboard warriors like myself.

  1. Navigation palette using CMD + P that can be used to navigate to a subpage/doc or run a command on current text-selection.
  2. Shortcut chords. A great use-case for this would be being able to high different parts of the text with different colours easily using a chord like CMD + K followed by CMD + G for green, or CMD + R for red.

Can we also please have a shortcut for editing column properties? (I tried the Menu Key and Shift + F10 on my keyboard, but both brought up the browser right-click menu rather than the Coda one.)

Mega bonus points: what about something like a general command palette e.g. Ctrl + Q in Edge? Where you can pull it up, search through all menu items/commands, and hit enter (and it shows the shortcut for that command if there is one, for future reference).


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@Amy_Weatherford a command palette would indeed be great and is part of my original suggestion too :slight_smile:

Ah, I read that as only…like, you talked about a palette

that can be used to navigate to a subpage/doc or run a command on current text-selection.

If you look at the command palette in Edge, it doesn’t just do those things–you can navigate etc., but even just in the screenshot I have (filtered by the search I typed in) I see “Show bookmark manager”, “Focus toolbar”, “Move tab forward”, and the search through Favorites, History, etc.

So basically, the Edge one seems to run a good chunk of possible commands, including like…general browser commands, I guess I’d call them? Whereas the way I read what you wrote, I’d expect something kind of like Ctrl + P in Notion combined with a keyboard shortcut for the formatting menu. Like…

That said, I wasn’t totally clear in my post–what I meant was to further develop your idea, not just ignore it :woman_facepalming: Sorry about that!

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No worries and thanks for the clarification! General Coda commands wasn’t something I thought of before but it makes sense. What would some of those commands look like for you apart from general search and navigation within Coda?