Matching registrants with Coda AI

Hi Community!
I have a number of people who have registered via a form for speed networking where I match them to another “similar” registrant and then they get together on an online call to connect.

Does anyone know a way of using Coda AI to look across the different columns in a row, find a best match from another row and then return the name of the matched person?

I am suggesting AI as the registration details might not just be items selected form a list but an open text box description.

Thank you!

Can you describe in more detail how this matching is to be done?
Is each registrant to be matched with ONE other, or with several?
Do you have a set of prioritizations that apply to each of the matching criteria?
eg: match by industry first, then by role, then by country - etc?

Constructing the prompts that will do the fuzzy matching is one aspect of the solution.
But there are many other logical considerations to be defined.

For example, can a registrant be matched into more than one pairing or group?
If not, what criteria should be used to ensure optimal pairings or group formations.

Maybe share a sample document with the matching done by hand as an example of what you are trying to achieve.

I can certainly help, but the requirements are not defined enough, and the number of possible solutions is great.


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Thanks for the reply! Ideally each registrant would be matched with one other. Fields could be Industry, Timezone and then a description of their role. Ideally keeping it quite simple.