I prefer the mind maps generated by GraphViz DOT language and the QuickChart.io server generates un-watermarked charts for free - so thats what we have used in Agile-Dynamics. In fact we are hoping to build a Pack to simplify this by extracting the data from a structured bullet-list (or checklist or folding list) in the canvas and generating a mindmap automatically from that. In this proposed Pack you can set some rules for the shapes and colors of nodes. But we have not even started on that project yet.
Meantime @Leandro_Zubrezki has built a Mermaid Pack that uses a different markup language to generate UML diagrams (specific to software development) such as Entity/Relationship diagrams.
The post is here
You need to study the ‘language’ used by each one in order to use it.
Also there is the pure-coda solution ingeniously encoded by @Paul_Danyliuk posted here
Finally, there is the excellent all-round whiteboarding & diagramming tool, Miro, which is beautifully integrated into Coda (look under the Packs) which I use myself on my Tablet & Pen - way more sophisticated, but not able to generate diagrams from Coda tables as the other solutions can.
I met Tony Buzan (tonybuzan.com) in the UK as a teenager (he was a great proponent of mind mapping) and I loved them immediately, all the more because my teachers and elders all hated them (and I was such a rebel)! So I’ve been ‘mapping’ all my adult life. Every decade or so they are ‘rediscovered’ again and become the rage.