Multiline text boxes in layouts

I have a lot of documents where some sort of descriptive text is written to one column. I can make that column be Text-typed, which allows me to write multiple lines of text by using Shift-enter. However, this is tiresome and error-prone to remember to write each new line with shift-enter.

Please support making a large text area, or multiline text box, in detail layouts. Pressing enter on those fields should not cause the field to be accepted, but instead should just add a new line automatically.


Actually, I think this is the same as Rich text column type

I just didn’t think it as “rich text”, simply multiline.

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I am also in need of a rich text or long text column type

Where you don’t have to press ctrl+enter for a new line - it is super annoying that I can’t press just enter for a new line.

I have seen other databases where they have a long form text field. This would be a valued addition in coda

Dear @Michael_Pilgrim,

Just to make you aware that Coda has this in place:
Just click in the text column and at the right bottom corner you will be able to expand to a full text block, where with “Enter” you will go to a new line


In combination with the “detail view” of your table you will be able to get the most out of it. :building_construction: :paintbrush:

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Thanks for your reply but I wouldn’t call that a solution - you have to click the cell ‘twice’ before the expander even appears, then you have to click the expander too - so you’re talking 3 clicks just to get to it. It’s not easy to use.

I would prefer it if I could click once - maybe if there was a dedicated long form text column, I could just click in the cell and then type without having to press ctrl and enter to make a new line.

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I am finding myself wanting a “paragraph style” text box very often. The single line /text input does not work for many use cases where I want to enter a block of text (and refer to it), and it not be in a table.

It would also be important for this text to be rich text, as it would go in client reports etc (as well as be reference-able and act as an interactive control as the current text box does).

The new Canvas column solves it:

No, we don’t want a “Row” solution. We want a stand alone doc component. A free form, multi-line text field.

IE: Place your comments here…

That is just one use case, there are many more.

It COULD be the canvas idea but, not in a row. You have text field, just make it multi-line. That’s all we’re asking for!

Odd that this simple request has been around since 2019.


I know this is old but I still need this ALL THE TIME. Even some text strings that can go in one line are cut off by the fixed (small) size of the text control.

I love the Canvas column, but I still have all kinds of unnecessary tables floating around my docs (and have to jump through hoops in formulas) because it is a column and not just a control.

Alternative: make the text in code blocks accessible through formulas, since the blocks can hold plain text?

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:point_up:t2:Count me in. The current text control box is so limiting.

Oh, noticed this topic again.

While it’s not a multiline text area, you can sorta use an AI Block as a multi-line text input. Just don’t set a promp on it (so that the refresh button doesn’t do anything) and learn to ignore the AI decor around the area (the blueish border, the sparkles icon etc).

Other than that you can totally type into it and then reference the input, as AI blocks can have “Names”. (unlike normal controls they aren’t personalized though)

Thank you!! I’ll have to try this :smiley:

Quick clarification:

unlike normal controls they aren’t personalized though

“Personalized” meaning everyone who uses the doc can type different things?

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Correct, AI blocks will be shared across everyone looking at the doc (or at least I assume so) and therefore not allow everyone to type in their own things.

We totally need a proper “Canvas” input block for rich and multi-line content.
This topic needs more votes.

Gif to attract attention

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