Rich text column type

It could be a new column type in itself, or just a formatting option of the existing Text column. But the idea would be to have multiline text box with as many options in a toolbar (like the one you have on top a created Section). This is particularly nice for when you expand the row and get the form layout where you could basically include some kind of Wiki in there (not just database fields, like Text which is way too basic for that)

Like for example, Notion takes this one step further and pretty much any record can be a page in itself. So you can keep drilling to write further pages on any row you need to. I guess that is a structural feature, but it would be great to at least write a rich text on any record if I wanted to.


+1 I feel this might also solve a couple of minor irritations with writing long form content within cells at the moment, including:

  • Lack of easy accessibility to toolbar from modals (meaning you’re reliant on keyboard shortcuts)
  • Forced use of Ctrl+Enter/Shift+Enter instead of being able to just create new lines the expected way
  • (Possibly) being able to define input point from outside of a cell, rather than being scrolled to the top when you select a long form text entry and having to move back down to find your place
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I just have wanted it since two days ago, when I tried to make some notes in Coda. Now the existing text column is, as you say, not good for writing long words. Always need Ctrl+Ender to make new lines. But compatiblity with the existing text column might be a problem?

+1 on holding the UI still when selecting a cell (i.e., reducing UI “jumpiness”). :point_down:

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I also want a more rich text based or long text based column type - the ctrl + enter is super annoying

I like to use coda to write books and to organize my notes - it would be so so much better if it could handle text better inside tables

I would like a bigger box for this column type inside a form / detail view, so it’s obvious but the biggest thing is the ctrl+enter to make a new line. I hate this, I want to just press enter for a new line

@Michael_Pilgrim F.Y.I.

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For what it’s worth, I use ctrl+shift+e all the time, and this post as well as this one I think indicate a need for better discoverability of this nifty little feature.

Alternatively, it would be nice (as others have said) to just have enter (not ctrl+enter) give a new line when inside a cell. Especially useful for bullet points inside a cell. Same goes for tab.

At the same time, I would love to just have enter switch to the next field when on mobile mode. It’s very annoying when editing a row on mobile to press enter, have to delete the newline, and manually click on the second cell to update.

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Another vote for Rich Text / Multi line control. @Ryan_Martens ctrl+shift+e (command+shift+e on a mac) is super helpfully but hard to discover.

Personally I’m fine with the table view having a cell with the current options but when in a form view its really odd that you can have a multi row control and have to use the command+shift+e shortcut to get a further pop up for long form text. Forms & Details view would be far more intuitive to use with multi row text controls and there is plenty of space in this view for it to happen (more complex UX for table view).

Any word from the Coda guys if something like this is on the roadmap?