Need help creating a button that overrides a table filter with it's own default filter

So I figured it out and it looks like this:

So I have 5 filter buttons: All, iPhone, iPad, Android Phone and Android Tablets. I am able to toggle them on and off one at a time or combine the filters by toggling more than 1 together. Added a search icon as a symbol for my ‘on’ state for the button.

Button Code:

Inventory is my main table name where all my device name/categories/data are being pulled from.

Show All is a checkbox column that sets all device items to ‘true’ and displays all of them at once.

For the “All” button, the code is something like this

if(Inventory.[Show All].ContainsOnly(true), ‘:mag_right:’, ‘All’)

Note: Adding the ‘if’ statement to the “Label” code section allows you to toggle from one state to the next.

if(Inventory.Category.Contains(“iOS - iPads”,“iOS - iPhones”,“Android Phones”,“Android Tablets”) AND Inventory.[Show All].contains(false), ModifyRows(Inventory, Inventory.[Show All],true), ModifyRows(Inventory, Inventory.[Show All], false))

Disable If:
[No code]

For the other 4 filter buttons (iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Android Tablet), the code is basically the same, minus the different text value that represent each device category.

Confirm Match is a checkbox column that marks ‘true’ if the device Category matches that of the button filter. Marks ‘false’ if it doesn’t match.

If(Inventory.Filter(Category=“iOS - iPhones” and [Confirm Match]=true).First(), ‘:mag_right:iP.’, ‘iPhone’)

If(Inventory.Filter(Category=“iOS - iPhones” and [Confirm Match]=true).First(), ModifyRows(Inventory.Filter(Category=“iOS - iPhones”), Inventory.[Confirm Match], false), ModifyRows(Inventory.Filter(Category=“iOS - iPhones”), Inventory.[Confirm Match], true))

Disable If:
Inventory.[Show All].ContainsOnly(true)

Last step – the table filter:

Need to add code to the filter but note it’s a different table from my Inventory table — which is my parent table. The table below my buttons is a child table (a view from Inventory) called “Search By Category”, so the filter code goes there.

Something like this:

thisRow.Status=“Available” AND thisRow.Category=“iOS - iPhones” AND thisRow.[Confirm Match]=true OR thisRow.Status=“Available” AND thisRow.Category=“iOS - iPads” AND thisRow.[Confirm Match]=true OR thisRow.Status=“Available” AND thisRow.Category=“Android Phones” AND thisRow.[Confirm Match]=true OR thisRow.Status=“Available” AND thisRow.Category=“Android Tablets” AND thisRow.[Confirm Match]=true OR thisRow.Status=“Available” AND thisRow.[Show All]=true

And done! Hope this helps someone who want to ditch the controls and go with something more mobile friendly. :slightly_smiling_face:

Much thanks to Coda Support for helping me with this solution, couldn’t have done it without you!!!