I have a rather complicated use case, and I need help on figuring out how to make this work. I am feeling like I’m doing this in an overly convoluted way, so I welcome suggestions on how to simplify this.
I have a bunch of cases I want to store in my doc. Each case consists of multiple subcases. Each subcase has a bunch of data (columns) associated with it. A subcase is either “normal”, or “special”. (Almost all of the subcases in my actual use case are normal.) Certain columns of all normal subcases within a case must be the same.
For example, in Case 1, I might have the following four subcases:
- Normal subcase 1, with data: A, B, C, a, b, c
- Normal subcase 2, with data: A, B, C, d, e, f
- Special subcase 1, with data: D, E, F, g, h, i
- Special subcase 2, with data: G, H, I, j, k, l
Note that Normal subcase 1 and Normal subcase 2 have the first three columns be identical. I want to enforce this to be always true for subcases of the same case.
I am currently solving this by having a table dedicated to holding the shared data, and a table dedicated to holding the case-specific data, as you can see in the document below.
However, this has an issue. I want to make a detail view so that people can easily view and edit the data of subcases within a project, and I can’t figure out how. See the “Detail view” page in the below doc.
I’ve tried using the “add related column” option, but that doesn’t allow editing the individual values. I could have an “open row” button, but that’s rather inconvenient and confusing.
Thus, I would like some advice on how to solve this problem. Thank you.