Hello Codans,
Today I had to check and mark some 120 rows in a table (the table is longer, but this is the filtered selection. A checkbox is used for marking checked items. The items are checked in random order - they table is sorted. The items are easy to find by scrolling up or down, but there is a real problem with the way this works on android.
The table only shows the first x rows (I think x is 30). To see more rows you have to hit a button " show next 30 rows". So far so good, but once you hit a checkbox (or change anyhing else or hit a button) the table is redisplayed on your screen and only shows the first x rows again. After checking some 20 or so items that are not at the top of your list, this becomes really annoying. I understand this is an optimization, but I should be the one to decide if I want this optimization.
So please, give makers an option to display the complete selection of larger (filtered) tables. I run into this situation with many of my " apps", regardless of displaying as a table or as “cards” (which should also haven an optional setting to configure how it renders on mobile, because it is very hard to control how your tables show on your mobile display.
I also understand I can filter on checked items and sort a bit differently, but that is not always a very practical option.
Thank you,
Greetings, Joost