Park Run Bingo or List only unique values when grouped by another column

Heyoo Community!

Details I’m always trying to gamify things around the workplace in an effort to keep us employees interested and motivated. So recently I was inspired by YouTuber and Stand-up Mathematician, Matt Parker’s recent video called The Coupon Collector’s Problem to create a Park Run Bingo style game at work. At the end of their shift, each employee turns in a cash reconciliation, where the change amount is either rounded up or down. Those amounts are collected in Data table.

Q 1 - For each Employee Name in the Results table, I would like a comma separated list of only the first occurrence of Change for each of the possible 99 Amounts to appear in the Done column.

Q 2 - How would I list what Amounts still need to collected for each Employee in the To Do column?

Q 3 - It would also be helpful for ranking to have the Counts of the values for each column.

Something Extra For next steps, I would like to show a card view for each employee of the Amounts they still need to finish blacking out their “bingo card.” Any suggestions on an elegant formula to accomplish this using cards view?

Dear @Jeff_Fleming ,

Interesting initiative…

Please have a view to this quick build sample on how to filter out the still available results from a list with optional result. Although it’s not a full reply to all you questions, I hope that this is giving you a kick start to the solution.

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