Remove a date from a date column?

I’m new so forgive me, but I can’t seem to figure out how to remove a date from a date column!
I set up a start and due date column. Sometimes the dates need removed but I cant!!!

Clicking on the cell once to select it then hitting backspace/delete works for me.

That doesn’t work for me unfortunately. Clicking once and backspacing changes the month to 1

Ah. I found the issue. Clicking in the cell initiates edit mode. Having the cell “highlighted” and then backspace, does in face delete the date! Thank you!!!

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I got this to work also, it is pretty tricky however so it could be improved.

This is really tricky and can be improved. There should be a way to delete from edit mode.

Another solution I have employed is to use a button:


Thank you Johg. Your nifty formula helped. I had the same issue where on a Layout I had a date field which from time to time I needed to delete the date value in the field but could not in the view (I could if I went back to the table and select and delete as captured above). I added a button to my table and added the formula and now I have a button next to the date field “Clear Date”.

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