Research Request: looking for new and experienced Coda users to try an experiment

Hi all!

My name’s Nagle – I’m a researcher at Coda.

I’m doing a set of sessions looking at new and easier ways to build your doc out. I’d love to talk to people both new and experienced in Coda – the sessions would be where I’ll ask you to build a doc based on a starting point we provide. The sessions will be friendly, relaxed, and informal – there’s no prior knowledge needed, and if you’re new to Coda, we’ll be happy to teach you as we go. If you have more experience, it’ll be great to see how our new prototypes fare against what you’ve had experience with already.

We’re looking ideally for 60m of your time, but could fit into as little as 30m. It’d be recorded over video, and used as a resource for our teams to understand if we’re on the right track in making Coda easier to use and unlocking the power inside of it. It wouldn’t be shared beyond our teams.

If you’d be interested in setting up a video session, thank you! Please let me know in this thread or at, and I’ll be in touch from there.

Thank you!

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I volunteer as tribute. Email sent.

Sure, I’m interested.

@nagle I would be willing to help

I’m a new user and would be interested.

I’m interested in volunteering.

Is this still relevant? I’m in!

I have quite a bit of experience with Coda and would be interested.

same here, sounds like fun