Separate manual sort order per table view?

By default, of course, manual sorting mimics the same order in all views of a table. But I have a table with two views where each view needs its own manual sort order, sorted by drag and drop. Is there any way to implement this?

Hey there! Welcome to the community.

And sorry, no. I don’t believe there is a way to do this ;( Many things are possible in Coda, but not this.

Would love someone to come prove us wrong though!

That is my understanding as well.

Drag and drop changes the Table Order - there is no View Order. Only Table Order, Sort Order and Creation Order.


Not by drag and drop, but you can accomplish something similar using buttons. The setup is not complex but not trivial either. Once it’s implemented it’s transparent to the user though.

The only issue is that when moving an item down, the row will often remain in a wrong position until you deselect it.

It would work perfectly if we would have an action or option within the button to deselect the row!

Button option: deselect row when pushed - Suggestion Box - Coda Maker Community

I just ironed out the little issues the doc had, now it should work as expected with only a small delay.