I’m using the Table Export Pack, and an issue I’m running into is that it once it makes the file out of the table data, it doesn’t update if changes are made to the table. For example, I set up a table with 10 rows and export it, I get an excel file with 10 rows. But then I go back and delete 5 rows and press the button again, it still gives me a file with the original 10 rows. Is there any way to force it to export the updated table?
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This is my assumption:
These packs use the Coda API to access the doc content rather than receiving data directly through the formula (which is why you need to connect an account).
This means the pack retrieves table data from Coda’s servers, and there is a delay before the new data is updated. Based on my experience, it can take up to a minute for the server to update, after which the exported table will include the most recent data.
Bets regards
Hi @Felipe_Arnhold ,
i was testing it out to try to solve issue, and waited 5-10 mins but had same results.
additionally i also refreshed doc as well as opened doc in new tab and still the same result.
This is interesting—I’ve never encountered this issue before.
I’m currently using the Export Tables Pack, extend Coda with Export Tables - Coda. There’s no particular reason for this choice; it was simply the first pack I found.
Maybe you could test it to determine whether the issue is related to the pack itself or a sync problem.
Best regards,
Have you noticed any issues with that pack? I had other issues with that one, which is why I tried the Table Exporter pack.
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Not at all.
Aside from having to wait a bit for the data to update, I was able to use it without any issues. However, I do have some colleagues who faced the same problem you described.
I still believe it’s a syncing issue.
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