Todoist Integration


I think it would be very interesting to have a todoist integration, similar to what is done with google calendar. Any plans about it?




I found the topic, because I am also looking for ways to integrate Coda and Todoist. I would like to share what we have done:

  • practically replicated the todoist structure in a tasks table. It is linked to our cases from other table, which is like the project in todoist.
  • we have added all the fields like task description, notes, due date, priority, asssignee etc.

I prefer to use the coda tasks when planing the week and scheduling the major tasks, because I have all the other information, which I need to make a decision.

What we do:
I have made an automation using the add task via email option in Todoist. I have set up automatic email, which are sent every morning with the tasks for the week. Once the task is sent, it is being logged in the table and the button for sending email is disabled. This way we avoid duplicating tasks.

The problems:
Adding new tasks is relatively slow compared to the Todoist shortcut. Now I need to go to the coda website, find the tasks section and press the button ā€œnew taskā€, which I have made. On the phone this takes even longer.

There is no way to make 2-way sync. Sending tasks from coda to todoist is easy, but I cannot find a way to make it the other way around. If anyone knows a way to do it, I would be very thankful to know.

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A Todoist pack would be awesome, thanks for the request!

In the meantime - I havenā€™t tried this yet with Todoist, but it looks like they have a pretty robust API. I wonder if you could use AppScript to do something similar to the calendar example here: ?


Hi @Elislav_Atanasov,

I was a Todoist user for the past year before I switched to Coda. I too missed the easy-to-add interface of Todoist. I created a Zapier script that checks my Todoist inbox, and moves all of those to my Coda inbox. For the moment, I only copy over the text and date fields, but of course with enough planning and precision it is possible to use tags or projects as a way to automatically add Coda tasks to projects, etc.

PS - I have duplicated much of Todoist into Coda, but of course my final product (still evolving), is not the same as Todoist, otherwise I would have just stayed with Todoist! I would be interested to see your template, and get some ideas for how to continue improving my template.

PPS - I will be making a post regarding my Coda setup in the near future. Just need to iron out some bugs!


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Hi @Lloyd_Montgomery,

We are using the following structure:

  1. Tasks base - this is the big table, where we store all the tasks.
  2. Last week view - these are the tasks from last week. It is filtered by team member. I recently discovered the controllers options, which is amazing for this purpose. We also have a team last week view.
  3. Today view - all task for today filtered by team member. We also have a team today view.
  4. Week view - same here for the week.

What makes it better than todoist is the associated projects. We have made a data base of all our cases (we are offering consulting services). Each case has fields such as start date, service etc. Recently I added a button ā€œAdd taskā€, which creates new task linked to the case and assigned to the person adding the task. Of course, the assignee could easily be changed.

Just for reference, in the document we have the following tables:

  1. Cases - here we have full information regarding the case and we use it as a reference point for almost all other tables
  2. Income table - linked to the cases table and making some cool calculations. We also made some charts to follow our weekly finances.
  3. Expenses table - same
  4. Automatic email - it consists of 1) canned responses in html, 2) archive table and 3) sending emails. We have made a lot of rules here to avoid sending incomplete emails. We use RegexReplace formula. This tables are made based on the templates provided by the Coda team (Thank you!).
  5. Case specific bases - these are linked to the case base and have specific information based on the type of information. For example when we register new company, we get submission number, which we have to check every day.
  6. Clients base - here we have the contacts of the people we work with and the information about the company.
  7. Tasks - as described above.

The best thing - all this data is interconnected.

Wow! Sounds like you have put together a nice document.

I have implemented similar system, with all of the same views. I have added some nesting for projects, since I canā€™t work on a flat-hierarchy of structure, but other than that ours sound very similar.

Happy to hear you have worked out a system that works for you! Let me know if you need help with Zapier to auto-add tasks or something similar. The process via Zapier is honestly pretty simple with the guided-process that Zapier offers. Unfortunately, Zapier is rather expensive. You can coordinate Coda and Todoist on the free plan, but it limits yours options.


I am also interested in trying to set up via both APIā€™s a two way sync, here is what Iā€™d like to do:

Iā€™m hoping to create a new ā€˜classā€™ of task in my coda that is a lightweight todo. I am coming over from Atlassian, and one issue I had there in my Confluence/Jira set up is there were in fact two types of assignable tasks in that suite:

  • the classic Jira issue
  • tasks in Confluence, that could simply get checked off when done.

However, it was impossible to see them together in one area, and Confluence tasks were tough to get into a team membersā€™ dashboard, so they were unfortunately not useful to us. But we did have a need for a ā€œlightweightā€ task in our day-to-day operations, for example with things like ā€œHey Joe, I need a copy of that invoiceā€ and so forth. That is much too easy an item for a Jira Issue, but all the same is good for a task, so Joe wonā€™t forget!

We also use Slack, but are increasingly jaded as our team grows since Slack is hard to set up with good context to our company structure. We are getting lost at times when trying to figure out was something discussed in Slack, Email, or Jira issue comments.

What Iā€™m trying to do, with the help of todoist, to solve all this is as follows:

Move over to Todoistā€™s Twist (has anybody tried?) from Slack. It allows any chat to be turned quickly into a simple Todoist todo.

Then, via APIā€™s, Iā€™m hoping to set up a two-way sync between Coda and Todoist.

I will create a type of task group in Coda called ā€œsimple.ā€ It will go alongside other tasks Iā€™m going to use that are normal ā€œissuesā€ in that theyā€™ll have a workflow, be on a Kanban board, etc. Basically clones of how Jira Issues work. My team is mainly web development so I need this.

If this works, Iā€™ll surface up in each team memberā€™s dashboard both types of tasks for completion. They can have the option to quickly knock out in todoist, or do tasks and mark ā€œdoneā€ in Coda, and both systems will update. Iā€™m hoping with twist to get much more context and visibility than I have now in Slack, which is becoming a graveyard of loose requests, convos, decisions, etc. and actually reducing our productivity.

Would love to hear if anybody has any success with getting the two-way sync going with Todoist and Coda via APIā€™s!

Hi, did you get this to work? Would it be possible to share the outcome?


Hi, @Geert_Crombez no unfortunately I didnā€™t. In the end this wound up being too ambitious for me. Hoping that with some potential add-ons to Coda, like if you @mention a user it triggers some kind of forced ā€œresolveā€ action that would resemble a quick ā€œtodoā€, or maybe some pre-built dashboard extension, this could be more easily handled directly in Coda.

I would also like to see possibly a Todoist or Twist pack, which would alleviate the need to use the API at all.

Finally, one thing I wanted to do that I didnā€™t mention is to write into a rowā€™s comments that it came from Todoist via the API, but thatā€™s also not possible yet:

If you solve this I would also be very eager to hear of your solution!

Hi Guys,

Iā€™m desperately looking for the developers of the todoist pack, there are problems with passing labels and due dates. And also incidentally it would be great to integrate 2 ways sync, especially since the pack recently went from free to paid :slight_smile:

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Whatā€™s wrong with your labels?