Transform a list into plain text

Hi there !
I would like to know how I can transform a list in a cell into the same content but in plain text in another cell ?

Currently when I copy the cell in a text bloc I have : #nexttoparchitects,#architecturelovers,#modernarchitecture,#archidaily,#archilovers,#architectureporn,#invisiblewindows,#minimalism

I would like to have :
#nexttoparchitects #architecturelovers #modernarchitecture #archidaily #archilovers #architectureporn #invisiblewindows #minimalism
so I can copy it directly on Instagram without correcting it.

Does someone know a magic trick to do this ? :slight_smile:

Hey, welcome to the Community!

Take the list and join it with a space?

thisRow.Tags.Join(" ")

If it’s not technically a list but tags with commas, replace all commas with spaces like this:

thisRow.Tags.RegexReplace(",", " ")
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The first one works perfectly !! Thank you so much.

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