UNANNOUNCED new limit in csv importing

Hi everyone!
I was importing like i’m used to a CSV in a table in a doc, but from today this message appear

“Importing CSV failed because the number of rows exceeded the limit of 10000”

This table is currently 12000 rows, as a proof that i’ve always done this, most of the rows are the same in the “new” CSV, all the data are mostly the same except for some 0 and 1 that changes, now

am i supposed to change a workflow that i’ve used for months because of a new unannunced “feature” (limit?)?

Question for codans obv…

Hi Mario, at this time, Coda supports importing CSVs up to 10,000 rows. If your CSV exceeds 10,000 rows, we recommend uploading this data in batches. You can read more about it in the Import CSVs into Coda article.

ok, but i was able to until last week…

Also, it was pretty clear from the popup itself i had to divide the data, but it sounds like a joke to me

Which kind of operation i’m supposed to do in coda? Is this a tool or a toy?


Hi @Luis_Curiel

I was able to import even 80,000 rows so not sure when this new limit got into play.

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