Maria, that’s great! Have been looking through the Coda Essentials videos and picking up bits and pieces each time I review, thanks again for posting. Really appreciate your guys’ steady stream of video tutorials these days, I definitely find them very useful!
And sorry if I am going overboard here with the suggestions, but another thing that has been on the top of my mind as I try to move forward with Coda is the best approach to Cross Doc as a way to build out Coda for more all-team use.
I just watched your tip here:
at around :55 in, you were actually talking about things getting disparate if teams build their own docs and get to working too much in isolation. That is one of my main goals in my Coda use: Keep as much of Coda in sync through all the teams it is used by.
There is talk in the community about various approaches to Cross-Doc to meet this need, and I’d love to find out more. For example, the “hub model” via @Paul_Danyliuk; and also discussion of various approaches to “push” vs “pull” as I understand, like this quote:
In particular I’d like to see how a team could set up Cross-Doc so that work can be created and planned from a central location, by say Product and management teams, then carried out within individual docs, but all tracked back at the “main” doc. A good dashboard in this mix would be a great piece.
My friend @Jean_Pierre_Traets also suggested this as one of your topics, so I’ll add that in here too:
Thanks again Maria! I feel like I am getting ready to graduate “Freshman year at Coda University” thanks to all your training materials, haha! Can’t wait to watch the “Business in a Box”!