Visibility Issues in Synch Pages: Displaying more columns when opening a row not possible?

I am encountering the following issue: I share a page with my students that includes their timetable displayed in Card View. When they open a card, they only see the rows that are immediately visible in the initial view, rather than all the rows I’ve configured to be shown on the page. I understand that this might be intended for security reasons, but it seems more like a bug. The detailed view should display the same information as I have configured for the page view.

My concern is that I don’t want the text of the program to be already visible in the overview - it makes it look confusing. I only want it to be fully visible / show all information in the detail view. Unfortunately, the canvas columns in the Card View are now always displayed in the preview, regardless of whether the preview option is activated or not. Any way to show more information in detail view with synch pages?

Thanks for reaching out to let us know about this issue. This sounds like it might be a bug based on the information you’ve provided. That said, I would recommend reaching out to the Coda Support team by clicking the ? in the bottom right corner of your Coda screen and submitting a bug report with this information. I have also moved your post into the Suggestion Box: Bugs section of the Community.

:wave:t5: @Huber_Stefan_Werner, many thanks for your feedback!

We’ve made an update here, so both card main and card detail in source and container doc should be the same.

Please let us know what questions you have and thanks again for helping make Coda better, cheers!