When printing a page with images, images are not correctly sized

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to export a page in which I have images, the page has a layout narrow, and when I look at the page it looks fine :

But when I try to export the page then the image taks a more size than the A4 page.

Does anyone knows a way to have correct export ?

Thank you

Here’s the result after export


Has anyone an idea here ?

hi @Thoma_Bigueres2 ,

I am afraid that none of the volunteers active in the community can help you here. This is something for Coda HQ to sort out. Questions about print (to PDF) have a long history and although small steps have been made, we are still waiting for the big step forward to reuse the content of our docs via a printed pdf or as a simple print.

Did you consider to reach out to support via the question markt down right to have them answer your question?

Cheers, Christiaan

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I could not reproduce the issue. Can you share a dummy doc?

Hello everyone,

Thanks for your answers !
@Pablo_DV by trying to do a dummy doc i’ve realised that the use case might not be “standard”.

I have a table in which I have documentation.
I want to export all the documentation and to do so I create a page in which I have a formula.

Here’s the dummy doc :

When playing a bit, I’ve found out that if I actually do a resize of the image in the original canva, it works ! but If I don’t resize, then it doesn’t work !

I’ve actually added another page where we can see the expected result !

In the first page coming from a formula :

  • Images can be cut in half
  • If no resize of the image the image is trying to set full size

In the second page where I’m using directly the canva :

  • Images are not cut in half, a page jump is created
  • If no resize, the image is correctly resizing itself !

I was going to play/propose playing with the image() formula with specific dimensions if the default didn’t work. But glad you figured it out yourself!