Why does this not work when copied?

Ok. So here is a document that someone else shared and I made a copy. Coda | A new doc for teams.

I created a doc for myself to track embroidery threads and I created color samples based on RGB values. It works but I wanted to improve upon it using the information in the doc I shared.

What I am seeing is if I copy and paste that first page of the doc for HSL into my current doc it does not work.

Where it shows the circle with the Hex color and then the color name the formula shows DELETED references. Even though the tables exist and all the data is there.

Again, it works perfect in THIS doc that I shared but if you COPY this information and paste it into a new doc it does not work. I’m trying to figure out why.

What I see is the formula that shows H.HEX.Nth(H.Value)

This is odd to me. H is NOT a table it is a ROW in a table and Hex is the column in the table.

I cannot make that work in my doc but it works in this doc. Why?

In order to get the row H I have to put HSL Slider.Filter(HSL = “H”).Hex which gives me the Hex but if I then try to get the Hex Value to put into nth it breaks.

So, please someone explain why this syntax works in one doc but not another when the exact data is being copied and pasted?

Hi @Susan_M_Davis,

There’s a really good chance that there are some helper formulas in the canvas or on another page that also need to be copied.

Can you update the sharing permissions of that doc you linked so we can check it out? It’s saying “Request Access” at the moment.

Thank you. I finally figured it out. The creator used @H to access the row H in a table. In fact, in several of their formulas instead of using a lookup or a filter they referenced the row directly so when copying and pasting the tables, that apparently breaks all those formulas.

I finally got all the references updated in my doc and got it working again. Learned a lesson about how to create something that others can use. Using @references to rows is not a good idea.

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