✅ You Decide: Is Coda your Favorite Documentation solution?

Makers, we’re delighted to be considered by Product School for a 2021 Proddy Award in the Documentation category. It’s important to share with our community how much it means to us, and for your consideration if you feel the same way.

Submit your vote for Coda here: https://productschool.com/proddys/documentation/


I gladly voted for Coda :smiley:



Now, it could be better. It could export to markdown. Nowadays Coda is a documentation pit. Convenient as it is, if you have a set of nested documents you have to copy one by one if you want to do something with them somewhere else

Export to markdown / HTML - Suggestion Box - Coda Maker Community


Well of course I voted for Coda! I want to double check something. When I clicked your link to the Proddy Award site, I just selected “Check Coda here.” It was hard to tell if it registered my vote. The interface of the Proddy site is a little weird possibly just a problem on my end. Thank you !

I checked Proddy on both Safari and on Chrome. For the other voting categories there is a button to upvote for that vendor. However, for the “Documentation” category there is no button to upvote. It just shows “check Coda here” which takes you to the Coda website. I will message you the screenshots.

Hi there, the best way to upvote for us is to click on the upper left hand corner:

CleanShot 2021-10-25 at 09.14.33

I apologize for not including instructions on how to vote. Thanks for voting for us!

No worries. I was just saying that a few days ago the button didn’t show up in the top left corner on the Proddy website. I emailed them and they said they were fixing it. I checked it today and it is fixed now. So I upvoted Coda officially now!

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Awesome! I’m glad Proddy fixed the bug and you were able to vote again.

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upvoted, and it is looking good for coda if the upvote counts are accurate!