Would anyone be interested in an Airtable pack?
It depends, what were you thinking in terms of possibilities with Airtable?
Not that they are completely alike but still really close to do the same thing
hi @Connor_McCormick1 , a while ago, I noticed an agency in Belgium using Notion as front-end and saved most of their clients data in AirTable. This logic does not seem useful in the context of Coda. In this regard a pack that syncs with FireBase or any other powerful database would be a better choice. But a two - way data stream is not so obvious as I understood from @Nick_HE , neither impossible.
Ooh, say more about syncing with a powerful database.
What database platform would be the most useful, do you think? What criteria would you use to evaluate it?
Thinking that there might be people with Airtable setups that would like to get some of the benefits of Coda.
For example, I know some companies that already have all their data in Airtable, but Coda-like formulas are not possible there.
Do you use Airtable at all?
hi @Nick_HE would you be so kind to explain a bit of what you shared earlier today with me? I guess your experience with your pack might be inspirational to many.
@Connor_McCormick1 : a real database that can handle a serious amount of data living in the back and can be called via a button or automation would do miracles for Coda as a business product. When you talk to people using Azure for example, they talk about milliseconds to update huge queries. With Coda I do not see this as a realistic scenario, nor necessary, but something faster than what we have today where our data lives we do not use daily, would have my vote!
I tried it for a few weeks, to try and replicate the current doc that I have in Coda that I use for multiple projects management.
For me it failed when I had to make bridges with external data (Google contacts, sync my tables in spreadsheet, etc) and also about the formulas that are way more powerful in Coda.
However, they are way more advanced when it comes to use the data itself, like gantt charts, dashboard for external people and so on.
I found the price tag a bit prohibitive in Airtable. I think that the only thing that would prevent me to switch there is being better at coding
Right, so essentially, instead of focusing on a particular platform, focus on making archiving old data easy.
So you’re saying if you were better at coding you would switch to Airtable? What would you be able to do?
Archiving would be part of the data use I might describe as sleeping data, it is not old data you keep for the sake of having to comply with a regulation. It is about a kind of data you don’t nee too often, but only once in a while and that is due to its volume not very well processed in Coda. Does this help?
Ah yeah it does. So, some of the data you might push off to the server specifically so that you can process it there as well?
What language would you expect to interact with it in? The Coda formula language, javascript, SQL, something else?
It would be rather helpful it we could interact with the server in the back using the Coda Formula Language. A such the Coda team has an additional challenge and this might push all of us into a direction that one day everybody dealing with data understands what is means how to Coda and no longer talks about the other languages
We built an Airtable pack! You can find the docs here: Airtable Pack
We have a few small updates before releasing to the marketplace. If you’re interested in trying a pre-release, send your coda account email to team at hotswap.app. Just mention Airtable and we’ll add you.
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