Announcing a new building block. We call it Layouts. 🎨

Hi Coda Community,

I’m sure many of you saw our announcement of Layouts, the new Coda building block that enables you to customize your view down to the row.

Check out the blog and learn more about Layouts (teasers: create layouts with starter styles, drag/drop/hide columns in a row layout, see a row layout in the body of your doc, and expand a column with references in your row layout).

If anyone has feedback on the Layouts experience or ideas for the road map, we would love to hear from you. We would also appreciate your help in spreading the word about Layouts. Please post the blog and share with your teams.

We are really excited to bring you this new functionality. Can’t wait to hear about your scenarios!

(p.s. the images below are all different Layouts on the same row!)


This is a game changer for my project. Thank you! :heart_eyes:


It’s absolutely baffling how rapidly you guys are releasing major features lately. This looks great!


Hey @jaime !
I love this new feature, great job!
Here are a few feedbacks :

  • I missing colors from conditional formatting
  • I would like to change the color (or better condition it) of the main title
  • Some text is cropped, especially when using H0 or H1 fonts with long text

More to come soon (after I play more with it).
Again, great job!


I was wondering if there is a way to print a data set in a layout format? They could make great quick reference handouts for my crew etc.


It’s really amazing…

Le sam. 10 nov. 2018 Ă  01:27, Jaime Hwacinski a Ă©crit :


Thank you Tom! The conditional formatting was a tough choice for us. It’s on the backlog for sure. Interesting idea with the main title. We added in the ability to configure the settings for that if you hover over it and click the gear icon. We enabled text size, text alignment, and label. Might be interesting to explore adding color there too. Can you send me a screen shot of the text cutting off? I can take this back as a bug. Thanks again and let me know how its going! -jaime


Hi Nick, great question. We have a few options we are currently exploring but have yet to implement. Cheap work-around is to screen shot and save to PDF. I wish there was a better way. We’ve also been thinking about a “send this row with Layout” email button but haven’t quite figured it out yet. Thanks for the feedback! Jaime


This is so wonderful!!! Thank you!!!

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Hey there @jaime
I didn’t get the cropped issue yet. Must have been during the test of the feature just before the release.
I have a suggestion concerning layouts (I have more than one but will send them l later via dm) :

  • I would like to be able to resize the detail view. I often want to reduce the bottom width and stretch a bit more the right side.




+1 on being able to resize the detail view.

On my wide monitor, the detail view uses only ~50% of the screen width, which prevents what could be some killer workflow modifications.

I’d like to be able to customize my preferred dimensions, and then save them as part of the detail view itself.


It would be really helpful if there was a resource link to pictures of how each of these layouts can be used (similar to your post, but more).

Even better, in the expanded view of a row, in edit mode, it would be helpful to see a link to these pictures per each of the layout silhouettes.

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Happy 3 year birthday Layouts! On this joyous occasion may we have some news from Coda on when, if ever, conditional formatting will work in Layouts :pray: ?