Auto Populate from a Checkbox


I’m looking into seeing if I can get this done on Coda and unsure if this is possible… so apologise if it’s not.

I’m using Coda to track different grants and income schemes. I’ve got a few different pages, each with a timeline on and tracking the start & end date of each of the grant.

I’m looking at doing 1 page overall that I can build a timeline on of all the grants and merge together all the different timelines/tables that I’ve built on other pages.

Question 1) Is this possible?
Question 2) I want this to only fill in that timeline/table if I have a checkbox ticked.

Fingers crossed this makes sense… I just can’t seem to find the answer for this!

Hey Tommy,

Welcome to the community!

Do I understand correctly that you have a table per grant in different pages? Unless you have a very good reason to keep them in separate tables, it would make sense to have only one table and create views filtered by grant.

You could add a checkbox and a timeline view, where only the checked items are displayed.

It would be easier to help you if you could share a dummy doc, but it sounds totally doable.

Hope this helps,


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