Beta Access to the New Filtering Experience

Add me, please. Thanks.

HI, count me in!! glad to participate !!!

Could you give me access? Can’t wait to try :slight_smile:

I’d love to try the beta filtering. Thanks, Kate

Hello Angad, i wood like to test your new Coda feature as a beta tester.
Best, Dirk.

I would like to try it and would be happy to record my experience.

Hey Angad ! I would like to be part of the beta Testers as soon as possible ! :sunglasses:

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Interested! Using filters for task/project management & tracking.

Very interested. I do a lot of testing like this for HubSpot. Put me in coach!

:raised_hands:t2: Willing to help test this.

Yes! That is awesome. Any way to make it easier point of entry is good!

I would be honored to help with the beta testing.

Hey everyone!

Thanks for your interest in testing the feature. You should all have a note from me with instructions for how to test and give us feedback.

You can test in the doc I’ve shared as well as by creating new docs in this test environment. At the moment it won’t work in the existing docs on your Coda account but that’s coming very soon.

Thanks for your help!

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The new experience is now live and available to use on your own docs. Thanks to all of you who helped us test the feature and sent recordings!


Think community really need it! Nice

Hi there,

maybe I am to stupid or there is a :bug: with the new filter. On my older list I faced today the problem that my list was empty. So I checked the filter option which was.
Which should be right so I have checked the formel behind this setting.
I have checked the result of the left and the right side of the equal sign. they looked the same but the filter doesn’t work. So I deleted lower parts to:
Now I see my five entries.

Did I miss something or is there a problem with “ö” or with the space?

As allways feedback is warm welcome.

Cheers Thomas

#Filter #askthecommunity #maybebug

Hey @Thomas_Hebes , thanks for sharing. Seems to be a bug of some kind. I’m not able to reproduce it on my end however

Would you be able to share your doc with us at Or create a dummy doc with the same issue if you aren’t able to share your real doc.

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Hi @Angad,

I think the problems comes with the lookup from a different table. I have created a share doc. you can play with.

It is this sheet where I am setting the filter. The basic data are stored under data sheet.

Cheers Thomas